
Title Organization Description Topics Formats Region
"Armco in the World War, 1914-1918"Middletown Historical SocietyPrinted hardbound book (120 pages) documenting the role of the American Rolling Mill Company of Middletown, Ohio, in World War I and listing those ...Outcomes of WWI; Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Manufacturing & industryBooks & publicationsSouthwest
"Honor Roll of Ohio, Erie County Edition: An Illustrated Biographical History Compiled from Public and Private Records of the World War, 1917-1918"Sandusky LibraryA pictorial history of Erie County residents' service in World War I, including photographs of soldiers and volunteers and reports of local service ...Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Manufacturing & industry; Health, disease, medicine & rehabilitation; Mobilization, conscription, draft & trainingBooks & publicationsNorthwest
"Newsy News"North Canton Heritage SocietyNewsletter sent to New Berlin/North Canton enlistees by William H. "Boss" Hoover and the office staff of the Hoover Co. Earlyissues were typewritten, ...Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Ohio military units; Manufacturing & industry; Mobilization, conscription, draft & trainingPhotographs & postcards; CorrespondenceNortheast
"Our Part in the World War"Alliance Historical SocietyIllustrated publication (48 pages) highlighting the contributions of Morgan Engineering Company to the war effort, including gun carriages and other ...Home front; Technology & innovations; Manufacturing & industryBooks & publicationsNortheast
"The First Twenty Years"Middletown Historical SocietySoftbound book (320 pages) published by the American Rolling Mill Company documenting the company’s first 20 years in business - contains chapters ...Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Manufacturing & industryBooks & publicationsSouthwest
Armco BulletinsMiddletown Historical SocietyMonthly printed employee newsletters (12 to 16 pages each). Each issue in this time period has articles about the war effort and employees serving in ...Causes of WWI; Aims of WWI; Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Manufacturing & industryBooks & publicationsSouthwest
Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council RecordsUniversity of Cincinnati--Archives and Rare Books LibraryThe collection documents the histories of the Central Labor Union (1886-1889), the Central Labor Council - AFL (1889-1960), the Greater Cincinnati ...Home front; Manufacturing & industry; Economics & finance; Politics & civil libertiesNewspapers; Books & publicationsSouthwest
Cincinnatians in the WarPublic Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton CountyNewspaper and magazine clippings mounted on blank pages. Items are not in chronological order. Includes ...Causes of WWI; Outcomes of WWI; Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Ohio military unitsNewspapers; ScrapbooksSouthwest
Findlay Morning RepublicanFindlay-Hancock County Public LibraryOne of two daily newspapers published in Findlay, Ohio, "The Morning Republican" was issued every day except Sundays and federal holidays, and ...Causes of WWI; Aims of WWI; Outcomes of WWI; Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forcesNewspapersSouthwest
Gramm-Bernstein Motor Truck Company (Lima, Ohio)Bowling Green State University--Center for Archival CollectionsPhotographs, with photocopies of supporting newspaper articles, related to the Liberty truck produced by the Gramm-Bernstein Motor Truck Company ...Home front; Technology & innovations; Manufacturing & industryPhotographs & postcards; NewspapersNorthwest
Gray and Hoover LettersNorth Canton Heritage SocietyExchange of approximately 40 letters between soldier Gray and his mentor, the president of the Hoover Company (maker of vacuum cleaners) from Gray's ...Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Ohio military units; Manufacturing & industry; Notable OhioansCorrespondence; Photographs & postcardsNortheast
Harvey Dressler CollectionWright State University--Special Collections and Archives Harvey Dressler was a civil engineer in the Dayton area owning the firm of Cellarius and Dressler Engineering. The Harvey Dressler Collection consists ...Home front; Manufacturing & industryPhotographs & postcards; Maps; Books & publications; CorrespondenceSouthwest
Jeffrey Family Collection of World War I Glass SlidesThe Ohio State University Rare Books and Manuscripts LibraryThe collection includes selections from several different sets, created during the war for the purposes of documentation, education and propaganda. ...Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Casualities; Education; Health, disease, medicine & rehabilitation; Home frontArtifacts & objects; Photographs & postcardsCentral
Middletown NewspapersMiddletown Historical Society35mm microfilm of the Middletown Journal and Middletown Signal-News during the war ...Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Manufacturing & industry; Mobilization, conscription, draft & trainingNewspapersSouthwest
Newspaper CollectionPublic Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton CountyEnglish and German-language newspapers published in Cincinnati, including the Enquirer, Post, Times-Star, Commercial Tribune, Freie Presse, ...Causes of WWI; Outcomes of WWI; Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Music, literature, art & propagandaNewspapersSouthwest
United States World War I Poster CollectionPublic Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County Collection of posters depicting images and slogans of World War I in the United States. Many posters included were printed for the U.S. Food ...Aims of WWI; Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Music, literature, art & propaganda; Manufacturing & industryPostersSouthwest
World War I Scrapbook of Wilford SchleicherSandusky LibraryPhotograph album with photos and scrapbook materials related to experiences of Wilford Schleicher, a soldier in World War ...Outcomes of WWI; Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Ohio military units; Manufacturing & industry; Mobilization, conscription, draft & trainingPhotographs & postcards; ScrapbooksNorthwest