
Title Organization Description Topics Formats Region
Armco BulletinsMiddletown Historical SocietyMonthly printed employee newsletters (12 to 16 pages each). Each issue in this time period has articles about the war effort and employees serving in ...Causes of WWI; Aims of WWI; Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Manufacturing & industryBooks & publicationsSouthwest
Findlay Morning RepublicanFindlay-Hancock County Public LibraryOne of two daily newspapers published in Findlay, Ohio, "The Morning Republican" was issued every day except Sundays and federal holidays, and ...Causes of WWI; Aims of WWI; Outcomes of WWI; Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forcesNewspapersSouthwest
Major Doyen P. Wardwell CollectionHocking County Historical and Genealogical Societies & MuseumMajor Doyen P. Wardwell was attending the Ohio State University when America went to war. He was accepted into the aviation corps and was in the first ...Aims of WWI; Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Ohio military units; Technology & innovations; AviationDiaries & journals; Correspondence; Photographs & postcards; Newspapers; Artifacts & objects; Military records; State & government records; Books & publications; Uniforms & equipmentSoutheast
Published library materialsUniversity of Cincinnati--Archives and Rare Books LibraryPublished materials in both English and German, including periodicals, personal narratives, bulletins, propaganda, poetry, military handbooks, student ...Causes of WWI; Aims of WWI; Outcomes of WWI; Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forcesNewspapers; State & government records; Books & publications; Art, music, poetry & essaysSouthwest
Springfield and Clark County in the WarClark County Historical Society at the Heritage CenterContains information on individual local combatants, locally tied regiments, training materials, maps, homefront support (War Bonds, War Chest), ...Causes of WWI; Aims of WWI; Outcomes of WWI; Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forcesCorrespondence; Photographs & postcards; Newspapers; Military records; State & government records; Posters; Interviews; Scrapbooks; Maps; Art, music, poetry & essaysSouthwest
The Daily Examiner (Bellefontaine, Ohio)Mac-A Cheek Foundation for the Humanities at Piatt CastlesNewspapers published on January 4 and 10, April 23, June 6, 10 and 14, July 10, August 19, and December 30, 1918. Articles and headlines include ...Aims of WWI; Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Ohio military units; Anti-German sentimentNewspapersNorthwest
United States World War I Poster CollectionPublic Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County Collection of posters depicting images and slogans of World War I in the United States. Many posters included were printed for the U.S. Food ...Aims of WWI; Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Music, literature, art & propaganda; Manufacturing & industryPostersSouthwest
World War I Book CollectionDefiance College, Pilgrim LibraryPilgrim Library's 125-volume book collection on World War I. May be searched via our online catalog: ...Causes of WWI; Aims of WWI; Outcomes of WWI; Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forcesBooks & publicationsNorthwest
World War I Collection Sandusky LibraryDocuments relating to World War I and Erie County, including publications, letters, maps, and various ...Aims of WWI; Outcomes of WWI; Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Ohio military unitsCorrespondence; Photographs & postcards; Newspapers; Artifacts & objects; Military records; Books & publications; MapsNorthwest
World War I Poster CollectionSandusky LibraryA collection of posters produced to promote the war effort in the United States during World War I. Many were published by the American Library ...Aims of WWI; Home front; Music, literature, art & propaganda; Mobilization, conscription, draft & training; EducationPostersNorthwest
WWI Oversized Materials CollectionClark County Historical Society at the Heritage CenterContains oversized materials related to WWI, including war bond posters, victory garden posters, maps, newspapers, pictorial reviews and ...Causes of WWI; Aims of WWI; Outcomes of WWI; Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forcesNewspapers; Posters; Maps; Art, music, poetry & essaysSouthwest