
Title Organization Description Topics Formats Region
"The Irish Guards in the Great War"Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton CountyVolumes of the 1st and 2nd battalion of Irish Guards, edited and compiled from their diaries and ...Battlefront & experiences of armed forcesBooks & publications; MapsSouthwest
Dr. Robert Gill CollectionFirelands Historical SocietyUniform, equipment, maps, photos and diary (1917-1918) stored in military trunk. 145th Ambulance Company, 112th Sanitary Train, 37th ...Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Ohio military units; Health, disease, medicine & rehabilitation; Mobilization, conscription, draft & trainingDiaries & journals; Photographs & postcards; Artifacts & objects; Military records; Posters; Books & publications; Maps; Uniforms & equipmentNorthwest
Glenn Burkett CollectionRutherford B. Hayes Presidential Library & MuseumThis 2 volume, 185-page typed transcript documents the WWI service of artilleryman Glenn J. Burkett and the history of Battery "D," First Trench ...Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Ohio military units; Mobilization, conscription, draft & trainingDiaries & journals; Photographs & postcards; Military records; Correspondence; MapsNorthwest
H.S. Keifer CollectionClark County Historical Society at the Heritage CenterContains materials pertaining to H.S. Keifer's military service in Italy. Includes orders, training materials, Italian propaganda, cultural programs, ...Outcomes of WWI; Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Ohio military units; Music, literature, art & propaganda; Mobilization, conscription, draft & trainingCorrespondence; Photographs & postcards; Newspapers; State & government records; Posters; Maps; Art, music, poetry & essaysSouthwest
Harvey Dressler CollectionWright State University--Special Collections and Archives Harvey Dressler was a civil engineer in the Dayton area owning the firm of Cellarius and Dressler Engineering. The Harvey Dressler Collection consists ...Home front; Manufacturing & industryPhotographs & postcards; Maps; Books & publications; CorrespondenceSouthwest
Herbert White PapersWard M. Canaday Center for Special Collections, University of ToledoHerbert White of Youngstown, Ohio, entered the United States Army in 1917 and served in France as a Wagoner in Co. B. Ammunition Train. He took part ...Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forcesCorrespondence; Photographs & postcards; MapsNorthwest
Springfield and Clark County in the WarClark County Historical Society at the Heritage CenterContains information on individual local combatants, locally tied regiments, training materials, maps, homefront support (War Bonds, War Chest), ...Causes of WWI; Aims of WWI; Outcomes of WWI; Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forcesCorrespondence; Photographs & postcards; Newspapers; Military records; State & government records; Posters; Interviews; Scrapbooks; Maps; Art, music, poetry & essaysSouthwest
World War I Collection Sandusky LibraryDocuments relating to World War I and Erie County, including publications, letters, maps, and various ...Aims of WWI; Outcomes of WWI; Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Ohio military unitsCorrespondence; Photographs & postcards; Newspapers; Artifacts & objects; Military records; Books & publications; MapsNorthwest
WWI Oversized Materials CollectionClark County Historical Society at the Heritage CenterContains oversized materials related to WWI, including war bond posters, victory garden posters, maps, newspapers, pictorial reviews and ...Causes of WWI; Aims of WWI; Outcomes of WWI; Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forcesNewspapers; Posters; Maps; Art, music, poetry & essaysSouthwest