
Title Organization Description Topics Formats Region
"Cincinnati Sees It Thru: A Camera's Story of How the Great World War Came to the Queen of the West"Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton CountyMeyer Engraving's published scrapbook by Felix J. Koch containing photographs of the impact of World War I on Cincinnati, including recruitment, ...Home front; Ohio military units; Mobilization, conscription, draft & training; Agriculture & foodBooks & publicationsSouthwest
Anti-Saloon League Museum Cartoons and FliersWesterville Public Library Local History CenterCollection of Anti-Saloon League cartoons from 1917 and 1918 with many anti-German sentiments linked with anti-alcohol ...Home front; Music, literature, art & propaganda; Agriculture & food; Anti-German sentiment; Prohibition & temperanceNewspapers; PostersCentral
Cincinnatians in the WarPublic Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton CountyNewspaper and magazine clippings mounted on blank pages. Items are not in chronological order. Includes ...Causes of WWI; Outcomes of WWI; Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Ohio military unitsNewspapers; ScrapbooksSouthwest
Findlay Morning RepublicanFindlay-Hancock County Public LibraryOne of two daily newspapers published in Findlay, Ohio, "The Morning Republican" was issued every day except Sundays and federal holidays, and ...Causes of WWI; Aims of WWI; Outcomes of WWI; Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forcesNewspapersSouthwest
Liberty Cook BookPublic Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton CountyRecipes published by Cincinnati's Woman's City Club, gathered by members of the Household Arts Departments at the University of Cincinnati and public ...Home front; Agriculture & food; WomenBooks & publicationsSouthwest
Newspaper CollectionPublic Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton CountyEnglish and German-language newspapers published in Cincinnati, including the Enquirer, Post, Times-Star, Commercial Tribune, Freie Presse, ...Causes of WWI; Outcomes of WWI; Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Music, literature, art & propagandaNewspapersSouthwest
Thomas Ewing French CollectionOhio State University ArchivesSmall amount of information pertaining to Thomas French working with the FDA during WWI, including a certificate for his ...Technology & innovations; Health, disease, medicine & rehabilitation; Agriculture & foodState & government recordsCentral
United States World War I and II War Bonds Poster CollectionPublic Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton CountyWorld War I and II era posters encouraging the purchase of war bonds and liberty loans to support the war ...Music, literature, art & propaganda; Agriculture & food; Financial SupportPostersSouthwest
United States World War I Poster CollectionPublic Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County Collection of posters depicting images and slogans of World War I in the United States. Many posters included were printed for the U.S. Food ...Aims of WWI; Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Music, literature, art & propaganda; Manufacturing & industryPostersSouthwest
World War I Lantern Slide Collection Ohio History ConnectionSlides used by the U.S. Food Administration to educate the public about food consumption during World War I. The majority of the slides are divided ...Home front; Health, disease, medicine & rehabilitation; Agriculture & food; EducationPhotographs & postcardsCentral