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Title Organization Description Topics Formats Region
"Fairfield County in the World War"Fairfield Heritage AssociationBook about Fairfield County men who served in ...Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Ohio military units; Mobilization, conscription, draft & training; Commemoration & memoryBooks & publicationsCentral
"Liberty's Victorious Conflict: Photographic History of the War"North Canton Heritage SocietyThis published history of World War I includes images of battlefields and ...Outcomes of WWI; Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Commemoration & memoryPhotographs & postcards; Books & publicationsNortheast
"Official Roster of Ohio Soldiers, Sailors & Marines, World War 1917-1918"Vinton County Historical & Genealogical SocietyThese books contain all the names, addresses and a brief service history of each service member who served from Ohio in World War ...Ohio military units; Commemoration & memoryBooks & publicationsSoutheast
"Ohio In The Rainbow: 166th Infantry, 42nd Division"Wauseon Public LibraryPublished by The F.J. Heer Printing Co. in Columbus, Ohio, this 528-page book includes maps, illustrations, rosters, list of decorations, death and ...Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Ohio military units; Postwar experiences; Commemoration & memoryBooks & publicationsNorthwest
"Records of Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Nurses from CIncinnati and Hamilton County Who Died in the Service during World War I"Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton CountyRecord of gold star names of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, typescript and handwritten leaves and photographs, mounted on blank pages and arranged in ...Commemoration & memoryPhotographs & postcards; Books & publicationsSouthwest
"Souvenir, 8th & 9th provisional regiments: Citizens' training camps, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana"Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County Rosters include: regular army officers on duty at Citizens' Training Camps, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana officers of medical reserve corps, ...Mobilization, conscription, draft & training; Commemoration & memoryBooks & publicationsSouthwest
"The 37th Division in the World War"Wauseon Public LibraryPublished by The Thirty-Seventh Division Veterans Association in Columbus, Ohio. Includes detailed descriptions of people and events, photographs and ...Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Ohio military units; Commemoration & memoryBooks & publicationsNorthwest
"Vinton County Soldiers, Sailors & Marines in World War I"Vinton County Historical & Genealogical SocietyThis information was culled from the original 24 volumes of the Official Roster of Ohio Soldiers, Sailors & Marines, identifying those Vinton County ...Ohio military units; Commemoration & memoryBooks & publicationsSoutheast
322nd Field Artillery Reunion Association RecordsWright State University--Special Collections and Archives The 322nd Field Artillery received basic training at Camp Sherman in Ohio, and saw service in Europe during World War I. The records in this ...Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Postwar experiences; Commemoration & memoryCorrespondence; Books & publicationsSouthwest
Cincinnati in World War I: Album of PhotographsPublic Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County34 photographs, all of scenes after the war, mainly a parade in downtown Cincinnati. Includes military personnel and horses, dogs pulling cannons, ...Music, literature, art & propaganda; Mobilization, conscription, draft & training; Commemoration & memoryPhotographs & postcards; ScrapbooksSouthwest
Cincinnatians in the WarPublic Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton CountyNewspaper and magazine clippings mounted on blank pages. Items are not in chronological order. Includes ...Causes of WWI; Outcomes of WWI; Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Ohio military unitsNewspapers; ScrapbooksSouthwest
Dawes Family CorrespondenceThe Dawes ArboretumCorrespondence of Dawes family members that served during World War I. Other contents in the collection may include objects directly connected to WWI, ...Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Ohio military units; Music, literature, art & propaganda; Postwar experiencesDiaries & journals; Correspondence; Photographs & postcards; Newspapers; Artifacts & objects; Books & publications; Uniforms & equipmentCentral
Edmund Arras CollectionColumbus Metropolitan LibraryLargest real estate agency owner Edmund Arras' trip to Europe a year before the war started. Includes thousands of film negatives, hundreds of glass ...Home front; Commemoration & memory; Prohibition & temperancePhotographs & postcardsCentral
Findlay Morning RepublicanFindlay-Hancock County Public LibraryOne of two daily newspapers published in Findlay, Ohio, "The Morning Republican" was issued every day except Sundays and federal holidays, and ...Causes of WWI; Aims of WWI; Outcomes of WWI; Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forcesNewspapersSouthwest
James Fullington CollectionOhio State University ArchivesCollection consists primarily of artifacts relating to Fullington's service as an ambulance driver in World War I. Notable items include medals, a ...Health, disease, medicine & rehabilitation; Commemoration & memoryArtifacts & objects; Uniforms & equipmentCentral
Mary Miller Hayes Photograph CollectionRutherford B. Hayes Presidential Library & MuseumCollection focusing on Mary Miller Hayes, her siblings, parents, first and second husbands, travels with Col. Webb C. Hayes, as well as her ...Home front; Health, disease, medicine & rehabilitation; Women; Commemoration & memoryPhotographs & postcardsNorthwest
Paul F. Bien Postcard CollectionPublic Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton CountyA collection of approximately 18,668 postcards assembled by Cincinnati collector Paul F. Bien, some online ...Ohio military units; Commemoration & memoryPhotographs & postcardsSouthwest
Prager Memorial Day RecordsUniversity of Cincinnati--Archives and Rare Books LibraryRobert Paul Prager, a German immigrant, was a victim of the anti-German hysteria of World War I when he was attacked by a mob and lynched on April 5, ...Anti-German sentiment; Commemoration & memory; Nationalism & immigrantsPhotographs & postcards; Books & publicationsSouthwest
Published library materialsUniversity of Cincinnati--Archives and Rare Books LibraryPublished materials in both English and German, including periodicals, personal narratives, bulletins, propaganda, poetry, military handbooks, student ...Causes of WWI; Aims of WWI; Outcomes of WWI; Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forcesNewspapers; State & government records; Books & publications; Art, music, poetry & essaysSouthwest
Sheet Music CollectionBowling Green State University--Music Library and Bill Schurk Sound ArchivesThe Sheet Music Collection includes original published sheet music as well as digitized copies of public domain sheet music from the Music Library and ...Battlefront & experiences of armed forces; Commemoration & memory; Home front; Music, literature, art & propaganda; Nationalism & immigrantsArt, music, poetry & essays; Books & publicationsNorthwest
Sheet Music of World War IColumbus Metropolitan LibraryWorld War I sheet music with colorful iconic covers. Songs include "Here's To Your Boy And My Boy," "Rick He Made The Huns Sick" and "That Good Old ...Outcomes of WWI; Music, literature, art & propaganda; Politics & civil liberties; Anti-German sentiment; Nationalism & immigrantsBooks & publications; Art, music, poetry & essaysCentral
Soldiers' Discharge RecordsUnion County Records Center & ArchivesArranged by date of filing. Contains verbatim transcripts of honorable discharges from the United States Armed Forces, showing full name and address ...Commemoration & memoryState & government recordsCentral
Springfield and Clark County in the WarClark County Historical Society at the Heritage CenterContains information on individual local combatants, locally tied regiments, training materials, maps, homefront support (War Bonds, War Chest), ...Causes of WWI; Aims of WWI; Outcomes of WWI; Home front; Battlefront & experiences of armed forcesCorrespondence; Photographs & postcards; Newspapers; Military records; State & government records; Posters; Interviews; Scrapbooks; Maps; Art, music, poetry & essaysSouthwest
The Cincinnati Enquirer (Cincinnati, Ohio)Mac-A Cheek Foundation for the Humanities at Piatt CastlesNewspapers published on June 8th, July 16th, and October 20th. Articles and headline include League of Nations discussions and deals and post-war ...Outcomes of WWI; Postwar experiences; Commemoration & memoryNewspapersNorthwest
The Daily Examiner (Bellefontaine, Ohio)Mac-A Cheek Foundation for the Humanities at Piatt CastlesNewspapers published on January 30, February 5, March 14, July 3 and 7, 1919. Articles and headlines include Armistice discussions, division of Axis ...Outcomes of WWI; Home front; Postwar experiences; Commemoration & memoryNewspapersNorthwest